Become a Killer Sheep – Part 1
There are numerous teachings on the “Purpose” or “Destiny” of an individual in the Body of Christ that you can find in books, the internet, seminars or from the pulpit. Although some of the teachings are amazing and biblically based, there is no value to a teaching that is not applied by his or her student in “day to day” life. All that results in this type of teaching is head knowledge and rarely creates “Heart” knowledge. Without “heart knowledge” there is no action and without action there is no wisdom and without wisdom the teaching essentially never occurred.
In order for a new Christian or a Christian seeking their assignment (purpose) in life…. The “WHO” an individual is must be discussed and received before the “WHY” they exist or “HOW” they can achieve can ever be touched on. The Body of Christ for the most part has forgotten who it is. We have an “identity crisis” as a people. We really don’t believe what the word of God says about us because we are forming our opinions of ourselves based on what a Pastor, Priest, Elder, fellow Christina, parent or teacher has told us about “who we are”. We give these individuals who are our equals as created beings of God the power to feed into us and help form our opinion about “WHO” we are. This makes us extremely weak as both individuals in the Body of Christ and weakens the body as a whole. We as Christians are only as strong as our weakest member. The individual will only be as strong as the faith of the leader that has spoken into him. It is our obligation, duty, call, whatever…. To read the Word of God ourselves and then decide what the word says for us as the individual. “Stop being spoon fed” by Pastors and Evangelists so you don’t have to do the work of eating and consuming the word for yourself.
No more wimpy Christians…. Be Sheep but become KILLER SHEEP.
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