"7 Biblical Truths" Book Misses the Mark – We are Created to Serve our Assignment, Not God

Rating: 1.5 out of 4

David A. Rich in his book "7 Biblical Truths You Won’t Hear in Church: But Might Change Your Life" – starts out the book very strong.  He wrote about how God has very strong grip on our hand and even if our grip falters his never will.  God will never leave us or forsake us.  He went on to write about the "law" and how we could never successfully keep the "law." 

Then, the book goes south.  He starts in on pre-destination, how God has chosen everybody and if you weren’t chosen then you will never be saved.  But, to every man has been given a measure of faith.  Also, God wishes that none will perish and fall short of the glory of God.  David’s point in the book is that is the lot you have dealt is the lot that you have.  But, this creates a "weak Christian" mentality.

God has given us all power dominion and authority to be the ambassadors for Christ.  We wield this power by speaking his word, we are the powerful creatures in this world.  How can we have no "say" as to what goes on here, but at the same time have all power dominion and authority?  Pre-destination just doesn’t line up, Biblically.

Mr. Rich also states that if Jesus wants us to be saved we will be.  I say, nonsense!  God has given us free will to choose.  Yes, we are servants, but what does servant mean?  Do we serve out of obligation or do we serve out of love?  As Christians, we serve out of love.  What do we serve?  Do we serve our God directly?  No, we server our purpose, our assignment on this planet – and we serve others.  Just look at Jesus, he served his purpose and others.  We were created to fellowship with God in the cool of the garden, and to have a purpose and mission for his glory.

By the end, this book was difficult to read because it was so dis-empowering.

Remember you were give power and dominion to take the mountain!

Your Desire Packet – Delivered by God

Psalm 37:4 says “Delight yourself in the Lord and HE will give you the desires of your heart.”

What does this passage mean? To the typical Christian in today’s society, if they even know the scripture, it means “Be Happy and in Joy because of your relationship with your Lord God and what he has done for us as a people and he will fulfill your heart’s desire”. Right…? Wrong!

The word delight comes from the Hebrew word, anag, meaning make yourself moldable and pliable, soft like a woman, if you will. He needs you to have the ability to be molded into the Kingdom creature he has created you to be. If you are too rigid in your ways or too stiff in your beliefs, when he tries to mold you, through the trials mentioned in James, you will “crack” and not be able to achieve the greatness the Lord God has laid up for you.

Then it goes onto say: “…and he will give you the desires of your heart.” The word “give” is from the Hebrew word, nathan, which means to ascribe or write, add and apply. With this being said, now Psalm 37:4 takes on a new meaning.

“Make yourself moldable and pliable in the Lord and he will ascribe or write or add your desires on your heart (labe – the heart, will, intellect or subconscious).”

He gives you your “desire packet” with all the desires needed to step into your purpose. He also writes the “desire packet” on your subconscious or your will for the assignment he has called you to. These desires are of God and were written there to ignite passion in the desire so you can achieve your assignment or “purpose” no matter what obstacle might get in your way. If you’re not sure the desire is of God, see if it is coming from fear (disempowerment / victim state of being) or Faith (empowering / victor state of being) and if it does not contradict the word it is of God. It’s simple… Quit second guessing – creating a “double minded” and “powerless” Christian.

The Kingdom of God needs strong focused single minded citizens that can wield the power of God and assume their assignment for the Glory of God!

The non Christian is focused and single minded about his cause…to attain wealth for himself and his purposes. We as Christians must become as single minded in our resolve to see that wealth in our hands for the Kingdom of God!


The Path of Purpose

When an individual pursue the “Path to Purpose” or the “assignment” God has called them to do in this life, they will have many opportunities to quit this road or take what I like to call “Wimp Junction”!

“Wimp Junction” is the pursuit of a place of comfort, a place or rest, a place of no spiritual growth. The process in purpose can be painful in both the attacks of the flesh and the attacks of the enemy. We were called here as warriors to battle through these attacks and find our comfort in our relationship with our God through Jesus Christ not in our circumstances.

The 6 levels of growth in your Life Purpose consist initially with:

  1. Sovereign Foundations: You are brought into the earth with everything you will need to fulfill your assignment in life. You were born at exactly the right time, right country, right state, right gifting, and right passion to complete your assignment. WE need to build the muscles given to us by God instead of looking at someone else’s abilities and perusing success with equipment we weren’t given that has no bearing on our purpose!
  2. Inter Life Growth: This stage of growth is experienced typically through pain and failure, and is for the building of character and integrity into your life. This is the stage when your spirituality is typically realized and you become a servant to Christ and a baby in Christ. Many Christians stay at this level and still live their life like the world even though they are saved they only experience their life as the world does and never begins to step into their anointing and power that exists when they live by Kingdom principals.
  3. Maturing in Purpose: In this stage you begin to be utilized slightly in your purpose and what you were designed to do. (You begin to get a glimpse of your assignment). There is a lot of growth still occurring in this stage, however, you begin to use your God given gifts and talents.
  4. Maturing in Life: This growth stage is recognized by the feelings of frustration, conscious shaping, and derailment of plans to mature you and solidify you in your purpose and resolve to achieve it. It gets you back in the workshop, growing you up on the inside. Lessons typically taught in this state include the power of living in the “now”, reliance and trust in your Father God and the ability to change the things you are doing to obtain different results in your life. In this stage you appear to be “pulled back” or “set back” in your purpose when in actuality you are about to be released into your assignment.
  5. Convergence: Only 20% of those who start on their journey of purpose get here. This is the place where your relationship with God, your purpose / assignment and your passion all come together. This is the place where all the experiences of your life come into play and you now utilize what you have learned in each stage of your growth and each test in your life for this assignment. You are now doing what you were called to do by God and you are a King in this assignment and a Priest and everything your hands touch while you are “on purpose” does prosper and you have overwhelming peace, joy and love in this place (Shalom-nothing broken, nothing missing) and wealth and abundance exist in this assignment. You are now an “environment changer” and wolves become sheep in your presence because you know who your God created you to be and you have stepped into the authority of your assignment.
  6. After Glow: This is your legacy when the “ripple effect” of what you have done in your purpose travels to places and people you yourself have never seen nor spoken to. Your purpose has a total influence on the bringing of the Kingdom of God to the earth and the strengthening of the Body of Christ even though you are not as physically busy teaching to the magnitude you did in the past. Your purpose has now been released to the Kingdom of God and others can carry the vision of this purpose without you being the deliverer of the message. (Habakkuk 2:2)

We get through all these stages through “growth and expansion” always under pressure and this pressure reveals and edifies your “gift cluster” which taps into your passion guiding you to do what you were created to do…. Your Purpose.

This life you are living right now is NOT a “Dress rehearsal”…Get Busy bringing the Kingdom of God to your sphere of influence and become the influencer on your designated mountain of influence. What you do ( or don’t do) now you will be judged for in eternity!

Become Moldable and God will Give You Desires

I was reading Tom Deuschle’s Book – Building People — Building Dreams: How a Church Can Change a Nation – and in it he talked about Psalms 37:4 and its real translation.

"Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart."  But, once we translate that using the Greek we get: "Make yourself moldable and pliable to the Lord and he will write on your heart, on your subconscious, the desires he wants in your heart."

Building People– Building Dreams: How a Church Can Change a Nation

Become a Killer Sheep – Part 1

There are numerous teachings on the “Purpose” or “Destiny” of an individual in the Body of Christ that you can find in books, the internet, seminars or from the pulpit. Although some of the teachings are amazing and biblically based, there is no value to a teaching that is not applied by his or her student in “day to day” life. All that results in this type of teaching is head knowledge and rarely creates “Heart” knowledge. Without “heart knowledge” there is no action and without action there is no wisdom and without wisdom the teaching essentially never occurred.

In order for a new Christian or a Christian seeking their assignment (purpose) in life…. The “WHO” an individual is must be discussed and received before the “WHY” they exist or “HOW” they can achieve can ever be touched on. The Body of Christ for the most part has forgotten who it is. We have an “identity crisis” as a people. We really don’t believe what the word of God says about us because we are forming our opinions of ourselves based on what a Pastor, Priest, Elder, fellow Christina, parent or teacher has told us about “who we are”. We give these individuals who are our equals as created beings of God the power to feed into us and help form our opinion about “WHO” we are. This makes us extremely weak as both individuals in the Body of Christ and weakens the body as a whole. We as Christians are only as strong as our weakest member. The individual will only be as strong as the faith of the leader that has spoken into him. It is our obligation, duty, call, whatever…. To read the Word of God ourselves and then decide what the word says for us as the individual. “Stop being spoon fed” by Pastors and Evangelists so you don’t have to do the work of eating and consuming the word for yourself.

No more wimpy Christians…. Be Sheep but become KILLER SHEEP.

Read Become Killer Sheep – Part 2