Become a Killer Sheep – Part 2
In my research since my last letter, I have found several passages that will help the young and/or seeking Christian realize “WHO” they are in Christ. I also realize my first letter may appear a little harsh, however in order for us as the Body of Christ to make a significant growth step; we are going to have to get a little bit uncomfortable. When iron sharpens iron sparks fly. However, when that sword (word) is sharpened to a razors edge, it becomes a formidable weapon. We must utilize those weapons for this key time in our history for the spiritual battle grounds.
The Word shows us that when God created “grass and trees” he spoke to the earth (Genesis 1:11). When he wanted the “sun and the moon” he spoke to the firmament (Genesis 1:14). When he wanted “fish and fowl” and “moving creatures” he spoke to the waters (Genesis 1:20). When he wanted “animals” he spoke to the earth (Genesis 1:24). But when he wanted “man” he spoke to himself (Genesis 1:26). “And God said, Let us make man in our “image” and after our “likeness” and let them have “dominion” over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth. WOW! We are kind of…. IMPORTANT!
To break this last passage down a bit, the word “make” in Genesis 1:26 is from the Hebrew word “asah” (awsaw) which means to create from something that already exists. We are created from God himself who always was and always will be. The word “image” comes from the word “tselem” (tschlem) which means “is a representative figure of us” and the word likeness from the word “dmuth” (demooth) which means “to resemble us”. We are a representative figure of God on this planet that resembles God that has “rule and reign” “radah” (rawdaw) over this earth. I guess that makes us…. each individual in the Body of Christ, a very Important being in Christ.
Start here if you want to step into your greatness in the
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